Beyond the House of Pain

NLP and Motivation from Dermot Dunne

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Hi there,

Welcome to the about me page of this website - so let's talk about me! Some would say it's my favourite subject (just thought I'd get that in before anyone else ;o)

Well I started my working life in Sales and Marketing and then Graphic Design and then somehow the World of I.T. found me, when I had a computer put on my desk for the first time and to this day I don't know why, but the way it worked just made sense.

So I was off - and for a whole load of years I worked in the world of Technology getting to a the dizzy heights of Director at a number of Companies.

That was more or less the case, with an excursion or two along the way (see my LinkedIn for full details) until the last couple of years.

Apart from the family, my first love has always been sport and I've actively Coached three different sports over the last forty years (Basketball, Football, Athletics) and have always been fascinated in Sports Phycology and Team Work.

I am currently a Level 3 UKA Performance Coach and a Certified NLP Practitioner as well as an Accredited Customer Service Coach.

So in the last couple of years I have taken a completely different road. I now love helping people both in and outside of the sporting arena change their lives in a positive way.

It is without a doubt the most rewarding period of my working life and I'm lovin' it!